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From: momishells@msn.com
Date: 31 Aug 2001
Time: 08:42:39
Remote Name: 1cust246.tnt2.hilo.hi.da.uu.net
The DOT's Master plan 2020 is finished but I still can find no studies done on the sharks in Pelekane Culturally or biologically therefore, I feel the EIS is incomplete. The DOT says it's DLNR's responsibility. The DLNR says it's the developers (the DOT) responsibility. Glen Soma (DOT) then, told me to call Akana Petroleum who stated to me that they don't have any plans to store fuel and oil there. So who do we ask and who is responsible for the studies in EIS? When the State opens the bidding, I'm sure President Bush will be there to use that avenue to sell fuel and oil. Still, the sharks swim in, completely ignored like they don't exist.