A. Demography
- Population size: 91,361
- Population density (no./sq. km):
- Population growth (1980-1990):
- Percent urban population: 8%
B. Geography
- Island area (sq. km): 1884
- Shoreline length (km): 193
C. Coral reefs
- Estimated percent reef: 75%
- Reef area (sq. km): 270
- Reef types: fringing,
non-structured communities
- Protected areas:
- Marine life conservation
districts: Honolua-Mokuleia Bay,
Molokini Inlet
- Fisheries management areas:
Kahului Harbor
- Total area (ha): 49
- Percent of protected reef area:
Information sources:
- State of Hawai'i Data Book
- State of Hawai'i Data Book
- Hunter,
1995; UNEP/IUCN,
here for more information about Marine Life
Conservations Districts