Corals of Hawai'i
Family Acroporidae
General Description: calices separated by open space; papillate projections
cover colony.
Montipora flabellata-
blue rice coral |
Growth form: small, encrusting with irregular lobes; blue to
turquoise color. |
Fine structure: papillae smaller, sometimes fused to form ridges;
calices with elevated collars. |
Habitat: shallow water in exposed and protected areas. |
Montipora patula - ringed
rice coral |
Growth form: small, encrusting; chocolate-brown with light borders.
Fine structure: papillae small, forming rings around calyx. |
Habitat: reef flats. |
Montipora verrucosa - rice
coral |
Growth form: highly variable, encrusting and plate-like (shallow
water) or branching (deep); dark-chocolate with white borders to beige or white. |
Fine structure: papillae large, randomly distributed, absent from
underside of free margins. |
Habitat: common in all reef environments, 0-50 m. |