Corals of Hawai'i
Family Poritidae
Porites |
General description: calices 5-sided polygons; well developed septa
and columella give "snowflake" appearance. |
Porites compressa - finger coral |
Growth form: finger-like branching with porous skeleton; tips of
branches usually blunt or flattened; light-brown to yellow. |
Fine structure: calices flush with surface; upper septa surface
looks like elevated rods. |
Habitat: wave-protected areas, 0-50 m. |
Porites evermanni |
Growth form: resembles P. lobata by forming low, flat-topped
or cube-like lobes with rounded edges; gray, brown, or purple. |
Fine structure: septa made up of thin plates that form a continuous
porous surface; calyx walls form a ring. |
Habitat: wave-exposed reef flats. |
Porites lobata - lobe coral |
Growth form: branches form large lobes, never thin or finger-like;
colonies may be huge, covering several meters or more; olive-green, brown, or blue-gray. |
Fine structure: calyx sides are membrane-like and elevated into
sharp walls. |
Habitat: wave-exposed areas, 0-50 m. |
Porites rus |
Growth form: cylindrical lobes, irregular, or flat plates;
blackish-brown with white, yellow, or gray tips. |
Fine structure: small, round, shallow calices well separated on the
surface. |
Habitat: all reef environments, 0-50 m. |