Fishes of Hawai'i
Family Cirrhitidae - Hawkfishes
Cirrhitus pinnulatus - Stocky hawkfish -
head" |

Description: reddish-brown mottling on body, large,
rounded head with big lips |
Size: to 28 cm |
Habitat: found on rocky shallow areas in the surge zone;
commonly seen propped up on pectoral fins |
Diet: carnivore: crabs, shrimps, fishes, urchins, and
other crustaceans |
Paracirrhites arcatus - Arc-eye hawkfish -
clinging" |

Description: varying
shades of red to brown with or
without white horizontal stripe, orange to yellow u-shaped ring behind eye, 3 spots on
lower operculum |
Size: to 13.5 cm |
Habitat: sits on coral heads (commonly Pocillopora
meandrina) in shallow areas on the reef flat but can be found at depths of 300 m or
more |
Diet: carnivore: feeds on small crustaceans (shrimps,
crabs) and small fishes and fish eggs |
Paracirrhites forsteri - Blackside hawkfish -
Hilu Piliko`a
clinging hilu" |

Description: head with small reddish spots, black &
white bands at posterior |
Size: to 18 cm |
Habitat: sits on top of coral heads on reef flat |
Diet: carnivores: small fishes and shrimps |