Hawaiian Uses
Naso unicornis - Bluespine unicorn - Kala  
Food Preparation: The kala can be eaten broiled or
Stages: Young kala are called pakalakala (young
grown kala), the intermediate stage kala are called kala oheno, and
the adult is the kala.
Proverbs and Sayings: "He kala i`a i `oi ka hi`u,
kala" means, the "kala fish with sharp tail." This is said of someone
who is able to defend himself.
"Mälama i ke kala ka i`a hi`u `oi" means,
"watch out for the kala, the fish with a sharp tail." This is said as a
warning to people to be wary of people who can defend themselves.
Interesting Stuff: The kala possesses a strong odor.
Some say the odor varies from location to location throughout Hawai`i. Some Hawaiians also
say that the kala smells like the food that it eats which is the limu kala.
Land Counterpart: Pala