Hawai'i Coral Reef Network

Marine Protected Areas in Hawai'i

Kailua Bay FMA, Hawai'i

Established 1984


 Location: The Kailua Bay Fisheries Management Area includes that portion of Kailua Bay enclosed by a straight line drawn from Kukaili-moku Point to the seawall of the Royal Kona Resort. A line from the northern edge of the channel at "Thurston Point" to the corner ("Wiha Point") south of Hulihee Palace and north of the former Kona Inn Hotel separates "Zone A" in the northwestern portion of the FMA from the seaward "Zone B", as shown.


  • To take any legal size fish in season with not more than two lines, or two rods and lines, and with not more than two hooks each.
  • To take crabs with not more than 10 nets, provided the nets are not more than two feet in diameter.
  • To take shrimp for bait with a hand net, provided that the net is not more than three feet in any dimension.
  • Within Zone B only, to use nets of mesh size not less than 3 inches to take fish, or akule net to take akule only, provided that nets shall not be in the water between sunset and sunrise, or remain in the water except during active retrieval or unloading of fish from that net.
  • Within Zone B only, to use spears or thrownets.
  • Commercial Marine licensees with a Bait License may take nehu and iao for bait purposes.
  • Licensed pond owners or operators may take young mullet (pua) or other small fish for stocking their fishpond.


  • To snag or attempt to snag any fish.
  • To herd, chase or paipai fish out of Zone A by swimming, diving or from a boat, which results in fish being taken by net.
  • To possess any spear or thrownet while transiting Zone A.
  • To otherwise fish for or take aquatic life, except as indicated in permitted activities above.
See also: Administrative Rules


Last update: 6/12/2002