Puako, Hawai'i
Reef Flat
Corals are sparsely abundant on the reef
flat, which extends from the shore to about 200 meters offshore.
The reef flat is an area of relatively high wave energy
characterized by highly variable coral cover, primarily lobe
coral (Porites lobata) and cauliflower coral (Pocillopora
meadrina). Mobile invertebrates are conspicuous, especially
collector urchins (Tripneustes gratilla), rock boring
urchins (Echinometra mathaea), and black sea cucumbers (Holothuria
atra). Fishes reach there highest diversity here dominated by
plant-grazing surgeon fishes such as yellow tangs (Zebrasoma
flavescens), achilles tangs (Acanthurus achilles),
convict tangs (Acanthurus triostegus), and moorish idols (Zanclus
cornutus). Spotted puffers (Arothron meleagris) and
lei triggersfish (Sufflamen bursa) are also common along
with saddle wrasses (Thalassoma duperrey).