Puako, Hawai'i
Main Reef
spectacular main reef at Puako extends seaward approximately 100
meters from the reef flat drop off. Average depth is about 6-12
meters, with the reef sloping sharply down in many areas at its
outer edge to a depth of 15-30 m, where sand is encountered.
Finger (Porites compressa) and lobe coral cover most of
the bottom, interspersed with patches of white coral sand. Other
common invertebrates include slate pencil urchins (Heterocentrotus
mammillatus), Christmas tree worms (Spirobranchus gigantea),
and black sea cucumbers. Common reef fishes include many species
of butterfly fishes (Chaetodon), domino damselfish (Dasyllus
albisella), and roving schools of black durgeons (Melicthyes