Hawai'i Coral Reef Network

Current coral reef research projects on Maui
Last updated Nov. 4, 1999

  1. Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program
  2. Molokini baseline survey
  3. Saving Maui's reefs
  4. Molokini indicator species survey

Do you know of any ongoing research that is not on this list? Please let me know at Tissot@Hawaii.edu. Mahalo!

(1) Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program

Principal investigator: Paul L. Jokiel, Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology

See the CRAMP website for more information

Sponsor: Hawai'i Coral Reef Initiative Research Program

CRAMP is a state-wide monitoring program that uses a standardized protocol to document spatial variability and temporal change in coral cover at selected sites. Additional components such as algal cover, patterns in fish density and biomass will be sampled to elucidate relationships between these various factors over space and time. These results will be integrated with past and future projects to provide a clearer consensus on historical trends for management. 

Sites surveyed: Molokini, Ahihi Kinau, Honolua, Kaupo, Keonehelelei, Windmills, Maalaea, Puamana, Olowalu

Status: ongoing since 1998

(2) Molokini baseline survey

Principal investigators: Dr. Brian Tissot & Dr. Leon Hallacher, UH Hilo; Dr. Bob Nishimoto, Skippy Hau & Brent Carmen, DAR, Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, Hilo.

Research associates: Petra Berlisson-Friedman, Ku'ulei Rodgers, Rachael Shakelford, William Smith, students at UH Manoa

Sponsor: Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, Main Hawaiian Islands Marine Resource Investigations project.

The study is designed to provide baseline information on coral cover and health on Molokini Inlet, one of the most popular and pristine Marine Life Conservation Districts in Hawai'i. Data is collected on transects arranged at 3 locations within the crater: the west, east and middle areas of the crater. At each location three 50 m transects are sampled at 15, 40 and 60 foot depths by taking photoquadrats at 36 random positions along the transect. Photographs are analyzed by positioning 50 random dots over each image and recording the substrate type. This method is accurate, unbiased, highly repeatable, and statistically powerful, in addition to providing a permanent archive of information. Surveys are conducted at 6 month intervals in September and March.

Status: 1996-1998 (taken over by CRAMP above)

(3) Saving Maui's reefs

Principal investigator: Eric Brown, Pacific Whale Foundation

Research associates: Earthwatch volunteers (changes every year)

Sponsor: Pacific Whale Foundation & Earthwatch

Earthwatch volunteers explore reef areas along the Maui shoreline and compare the abundance and diversity of fish and coral species. Teams collect the majority of their data while SCUBA diving (two times a day) at relatively shallow depths (less than 20 m). Two-person dive teams swim along 50 meter transect and document fish and coral species and abundance every 5 meters. The sites surveyed are: Honokowai, Honolua Bay, Kahekili Park, Lahaina Shores, Makena-Maui Prince, Olowalu, Puamana, Wailea-5 Graves.

Status: 1989-1998 (see Final Report)

(4) Molokini indicator species survey

Principal investigators: Dr. Ernest Reese, UH Manoa & Dr. Michael Crosby, NOAA

Research associates:

Sponsor: NOAA

Status: ongoing since 1992


Last update: 1/25/2005