Publications Papers Tissot, Brian N. and L. E. Hallacher. 1999. Impacts of aquarium collectors on reef fishes in Kona, Hawai'i. Division of Aquatic Resources, Honolulu, HI. Technical Report. [html] Walsh, W. J. 2000. Aquarium Collecting in West Hawaii: A Historical Overview. Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources Report. 6 pp. [PDF] Tissot, B. N. 1999. Adaptive Management of Aquarium Fish Collecting in Hawaii. Live Reef Fish Information Bulletin 6: 16-19. [html] [PDF] Tissot, B. N. and D. M. Brosnan. 2002. Long Term Coral Reef Monitoring Programs: Working Towards a Synthesis of Science, Management and Policy. In: Best, B. and R. Pomeroy, Relevant Findings from the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium: Implications for Coral Reef Management and Policy. USAID. [PDF]. Tissot, B. N. and L. E. Hallacher. 2003. The effects of aquarium collectors on coral reef fishes in Hawaii. Conservation Biology. 17(6): 1759-1768 |html| |PDF| Walsh, W. J., S. P. Cotton, J. Dierking, and I. D. Williams. 2003. The commercial marine aquarium fishery in Hawai‘i 1976–2003. In Status of Hawai‘i’s Coastal Fisheries in the New Millennium, ed. A. M. Friedlander, 132–159. Proceedings of a Symposium sponsored by the American Fisheries Society, Hawaii Chapter. [PDF] Tissot, B. N. , Walsh, W. and L. E. Hallacher. 2004. Evaluating the effectiveness of a marine reserve network in Hawaii to increase the productivity of an aquarium fishery. Pacific Science 58(2): 175-188. |PDF| Brown, Eric. Evelyn Cox, Paul Jokiel, , Ku‘ulei Rodgers, William Smith, Brian Tissot, Steve L. Coles, and Jonathan Hultquist. 2004. Development of benthic sampling methods for the Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (CRAMP) in Hawai‘i. Pacific Science 58(2): 145-158. |PDF| Capitini, C., B. N. Tissot, M. Carroll, W. Walsh and S. Peck. 2004. Aquarium fisheries management in west Hawaii: a dynamic conflict. Soc. Nat. Res. 17: 763-778. |PDF| Tissot, B. N. 2005. Integral Marine Ecology: Community-based fishery management in Hawai`i. World Futures: the Journal of General Evolution. 61: 79-95. |PDF| Williams, I. D., W.J. Walsh, B.N. Tissot, L.E. Hallacher. 2006. Impact of observers’ experience level on counts of fishes in underwater visual surveys. Marine Ecology Progress Series 310: 185-191. PDF Ortiz, D. M and B. N. Tissot. 2008. Ontogenetic patterns of habitat use by a coral reef fish in an MPA network: A multi-scaled remote sensing and in-situ approach. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 365: 217-232. PDF Maurin, P., and S. Peck. 2008. The West Hawai‘i Fisheries Council Case Study Report. University of Hawai‘i Sea Grant College Program, Honolulu, HI. 32 p. PDF Claisse, J. T., S. A. McTee and J. D. Parrish. 2009. Effects of age, size, and density on natural survival for an important coral reef fishery species, yellow tang, Zebrasoma flavescens. Coral Reefs 28:95-105 PDF Williams, I. D., W.J. Walsh, J. T. Claisse, B.N. Tissot, K. A. Stamoulis. 2009. Impacts of a Hawaiian marine protected area network on the abundance and fishery sustainability of the yellow tang, Zebrasoma flavescens. Biological Conservation 142: 1066-1073. PDF Tissot, B. N. 2009. Integral marine ecology: community-based fishery management in Hawaii. Chapter 13 In S. Hargens and M. Zimmerman. Uniting Multiple Perspectives in the Natural World. Shambhala Publications, Boston, MA. [PDF] [html] Tissot, B. N. W. J. Walsh, and M. A. Hixon. 2009. Hawaiian Islands Marine Ecosystem Case Study: Ecosystem and Community-Based Management in West Hawaii . Coastal Management 37-1-19 PDF Christie, P., Pollnac, R. B., Fluharty, D. L., Hixon,. M. A., Lowry, G. K., Mahon, R., Pietri, D., Tissot, B. N., White, A. T., Armada, N., Liza Eisma-Osorio, R. L.. 2009. Tropical Marine EBM Feasibility: A Synthesis of Case Studies and Comparative Analyses. Coastal Management 37: 374-385 PDF DAR (Division of Aquatic Resources). 2009. Impacts of West Hawaii Marine protected Areas on Yellow Tang Stock and Fishery Sustainability. Hawaii DAR, Kailua-Kona, HI. 2pp. PDF Claisse JT, Kienzle M, Bushnell ME, Shafer DJ, Parrish JD. 2009. Habitat- and sex-specific life history patterns of yellow tang Zebrasoma flavescens in Hawaii, USA. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 389:245-255 PDF
Tissot, B. N. Barbara A. Best, Eric H. Borneman,
Andrew W. Bruckner, Cara H. Cooper, Heather D’Agnes, Timothy P. Fitzgerald,
Amanda Leland, Susan Lieberman, Amy Mathews Amos, Rashid Sumaila, T.M. Telecky.
Frazer McGilvray, Brian J. Plankis, Andrew L. Rhyne, Glynnis G. Roberts,
Benjamin Starkhouse, Todd C. Stevenson. 2010. How US Ocean Policy and Market
Power Can Reform the Coral Reef Wildlife Trade. Marine Policy 34: 1385-1388.
PDF Bushnell ME, Claisse JT, Laidley CW. 2010. Lunar and seasonal patterns in fecundity of an indeterminate, multiple-spawning surgeonfish, the yellow tang Zebrasoma flavescens. J Fish Biol 76:1343-1361 PDF Abstracts from Scientific Conferences: All of the following documents are in Adobe PDF
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