Phylum Porifera - sponges
Simple encrusting or vase-shaped bodies perforated with numerous pores:
colors often bright reds, yellows and oranges |
Phylum Cnidaria - corals and anemones
Radially symmetric cup-like polyps or medusae; ring of tentacles surround mouth; often
with calcareous exoskeleton. |
Phylum Platyhelminthes - flatworms
Dorso-ventrally flattened worms; lacking dorsal or lateral gills; often brightly
colored. |
Phylum Mollusca - snails, clams, octopus
Shelled animals, often crawling on a muscular foot; gills housed in a mantle cavity;
radula feeding apparatus; also includes non-shelled octopus and squids. |
Phylum Annelida - segmented worms
Elongate worms with bodies divided by segments; worms often buried in hard substrates
or sediment with only tentacular plumes visible. |
Phylum Arthropoda - crabs, shrimp, lobsters
Jointed appendages encased in carapace; body short or elongate, often with numerous
jointed appendages such as walking legs, claws , antennae or mouthparts. |
Phylum Echinodermata - seastars, urchins, brittlestars, cucumbers
Radially symmetric with internal skeletons; body often covered with spines and tube
feet. |
Phylum Chordata - non-vertebrate sea squirts
Usually encrusting, sponge-like filter feeders; body pierced by numerous pores; body
wall feels smooth to the touch. |