Hawai'i Coral Reef Network

Reef Events & News

Please e-mail the webmaster if you would like something added to this list.

Current News

  1.   The Bush Administration is reviewing the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve established by President Clinton, the largest marine reserve in the U.S. and second largest in the world. The measures established to protect the Reserve may be changed. For more information see the following web sites:

    • Information and reports on 'A Search for the Truth: Impacts of the Executive Orders Establishing the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve in the Context of the "Review" of the Executive Orders."' on the KAHEA web site.
    • Ocean Action Alert: Help Protect the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reefs on the Action Network web site.

Current Events (also the Hawaiian Cultural for general state-wide events)

  1. Second International Conference on Marine Ornamentals  (Lake Buena Vista, Florida, Nov. 2001)

Past News & Events

  1. 6th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference (Durban, South Africa, May 2001)

  2. International Biodiversity Observation Year (2001)
    The purpose of IBOY  is to raise public awareness about the consequences of the loss of biodiversity and to further advance scientific understanding of biodiversity issues. The initiative intends to enhance the longer-term goals of the DIVERSITAS program through the advancement of existing projects as well as the establishment of new short-term projects.
  3. President Clinton creates the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve, the largest marine reserve in the U.S. and second largest in the world.. The President has initiated a 30-day period during which the public may submit written comments on his proposal to make the reserve preservation areas permanent. Public meetings will be held throughout Hawai'i and comments will be accepted until Jan. 8, 2001. You may also want to review previous public comments posted at the National Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution.

  4. Hawai'i Coral Reef Network helps to install Pin Moorings at Pu'u Olai

  5. International Conference on Coral Reefs and Marine Tourism (Bali, Indonesia, Dec. 1999)

  6. Symposium on Tagging and Tracking Marine Fish with Electronic Devices (Honolulu, Hawai'i, February 7-11, 2000)

  7. Shark Conference 2000 (Honolulu, Hawai'i, February 21-24, 2000)

  8. First International Symposium on Deep Sea Corals: Science and Conservation of Deep Sea Corals (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 30 July - 2 August, 2000)

  9. 9th International Coral Reef Symposium (Bali, Indonesia. Oct., 2000)

  10. First International Conference on Marine Ornamentals  (Kona, Hawai'i, Nov. 1999)



Last update: 1/25/2005